Mosdos Sanz Zvhill has many different community pillars, from its Ezer LaYaldos, to support families welcoming new children, Hatzaloh, and Chaveirim, to its Glatt Kosher Butcher Shop. Many resources are offered to the Sanz-Zvhill kehilla and the broader Jewish community.
At the Cheder, dozens of boys smile widely as they leap off the bus and race towards their school, where they are lovingly taught mentchlichkeit and Chassidus by skilled teachers and rebbeim.
Yeshiva Katana
The Mesivta is a training ground for teenagers to prepare thoughtfully and become upright, contributing members of society. The brilliant maggidei shiur mold the aspiring bochurim into talmidei chachomim, and mentches.
Girls School
The girls school is a wonderful, joyous hub of personal development. It was started in part by the eldest daughter of the Klausenberger Rebbe, with the curriculum designed under his personal auspices. It is a deep, advanced, curriculum in secular studies and limudei kodesh. Every lesson is meant to infuse the girls with virtue, modesty, and inner dignity.